“A coach doesn’t tell you how to lead. A coach brings clarity to the leader within.”

— Dan D’Agostino

The 3Sixty Approach

Awareness, growth and leadership - these attributes are not readily passed down, given or taught. These are traits that are cultivated from within. How then can coaching “untap your potential to lead?” The answer is one of trust and the freedom & forum to explore.

Just like Michael Jordan had the basketball court and Bruce Lee had the dojo, star performers need an arena to hone their skills. Through a series of constructive one-on-one meetings, we will develop a confidential working relationship where the area of focus is you and your leadership. These meetings will be the Leader’s field or dojo, an arena to become your best.

Put simply, the 3Sixty approach is one where Leader and Coach come together to develop a trusting partnership that elicits real awareness, resulting in lasting development and improvement within the Leader.



The objective during kick-off is to identify what is important to the Leader and begin to see the world through their eyes. We will discuss personal history, career progression, personal / professional goals, values and mission.

During this phase, we will also discuss confidentiality, how the coaching process works and each person’s role in that process.

Coaching Objectives

Here, we will focus on what the Leader wishes to change and the results they hope to achieve. Our objective is to identify strengths, areas for development and success criteria for the coaching engagement. Objectives may include:

  • What are the special skills / behaviors responsible for the Leader’s successes to date?

  • What can we do to further strengthen those abilities?

  • What is getting in the way of further success?

  • How can we overcome those obstacles and recognize progress?

Coaching Plan

To achieve the Leader’s defined objectives, we will develop a custom one-on-one coaching plan. This plan will include a coaching rhythm (frequency of coaching calls) and multiple strategies to implement the previously defined objectives.

Here, the role of coach is to monitor progress towards the objectives and to help the Leader learn alternative ways of managing problematic situations. The coach may also function as a sounding board or devil’s advocate - a confidant with whom the Leader can share observations and perceptions too delicate to discuss with others.

Coaching tools we may use:

  • “Enlightened conversation” - active, insightful listening, with feedback to celebrate progress and identify causes and solutions when objectives are not being met.

  • Role playing - allows the Leader to practice new skills or a new leadership style

  • Psychological assessment and/or 360" feedback, when appropriate

  • Between-sessions “assignments” where the Leader can practice new behaviors and discuss the results during subsequent coaching sessions.

Feedback Loop

During the Feedback phase of the engagement, the Leader will present their evaluation of their performance to the Coaching Objectives to the Coach and any applicable sponsors. The Coach will then discuss measurement of coaching impact on organizational performance and results.

If necessary, further action is planned to ensure delivery of objectives.

At or near completion of the coaching process, an evaluation of the coaching performance is conducted by the Leader, Coach and Sponsor (if applicable).

Contact us.

Dan D’Agostino (PCC)

Washington D.C. Metro Area
Worldwide via Zoom